JUFA Hotel


per room from €194.–2 Nights

Children's paradise in the Murtal

Included services:

  • 2-3 nights in the JUFA Hotel Judenburg***
  • Rich breakfast buffet
  • 1x admission to the fairytale forest Märchenwald St. Georgen ob Judenburg
  • 1x admission to the Sternenturm Judenburg
  • 4h admission to the Fohnsdorf thermal spa
Ihr seht wie ein Kind am Spielplatz auf der Kletterstange kopfüber hängt und lacht.

Spend unforgettable summer days at the JUFA Hotel Judenburg*** and experience an entertaining adventure for the whole family!

With our exclusive family offer you enjoy 4 hours admission to the Fohnsdorf thermal spa, where you can spend undisturbed moments of well-being in this water paradise with slides, pools and sauna. In the St. Georgen ob Judenburg fairytale forest, you can immerse yourself in a magical fairytale world and be enchanted by imaginative stories and playgrounds. Another highlight is the entrance to the Judenburg planetarium, where you can gain exciting insights into the universe and enjoy the fascinating view from the tower.

Look forward to an eventful family holiday where fun, relaxation and adventure are guaranteed!

Children's paradise in the Murtal

Ihr seht den schneebedeckten Innenhof vom JUFA Hotel mit Wegweiser im Winter. JUFA Hotels bietet den Ort für erfolgreiche und kreative Seminare in abwechslungsreichen Regionen.


JUFA Hotel Judenburg***

  • 400-year-old monastery
  • 24h self check-in
  • Monastery Cafe with outdoor seating
  • Sternenturm planetarium

Children's paradise in the Murtal

01.05.2025 - 31.10.2025

bookable for 1 to 5 People per room from €194.–

More vacation offers

Ihr seht den Kopf einer Frau während eine Entspannungsübung. JUFA Hotels bietet erholsamen Familienurlaub und einen unvergesslichen Winter- und Wanderurlaub.

2 Nights


Find your inner peace in historic walls

Spend a relaxing winter break at the JUFA Hotel Judenburg***: including entry to the thermal spa, a Lomi Lomi Nui massage and mindfulness training – enjoy pure relaxation and re-energise yourself!

per room from€302.–Book now

2 Nights


Cool days in hot springs

2 or 3 nights including half board (except Judenburg and Neutal) and entry to the thermal spa with JUFA Hotels. Enjoy cozy warmth and relaxation while it storms and snows outside.

per room from€97.–Book now

2 Nights


Ski for free in Judenburg

2-5 nights including half-board and ski tickets
Ski fun for the whole family at the Klosterhotel Judenburg at the best price, as the ski tickets for the Gaal and Rieseralm ski areas in Obdach are on the house!

per room from€182.–Book now

Ihr seht zwei Personen auf einer Straße beim Fahren mit dem Can-Am Ryker, der für den perfekten Adrenalinkick in eurem Urlaub im JUFA Hotel Judenburg*** sorgt.

1 Night


Joyride through the Murtal valley

Experience the Murtal Valley on a Can-Am ‘Ryker’! Pure action and speedy fun – an unforgettable adventure awaits you!

per room from€243.–Book now